

We manufacture a range of adult mosquito aspirators; for field work we have the hand-held Improved Prokopack Aspirator and the backpack-mounted CDC-Designed Aspirator. For laboratory use we have a simple mouth aspirator (pooter) and one that has a HEPA filter to prevent ingesting insect scales.  In 2018 we designed and produced a 6-volt aspirator for use the laboratory (see below).  

Battery-Powered Mosquito and Sand Fly Aspirator

The design and testing of our new Battery-Powered Mosquito and Sand Fly Aspirator Model 419 was completed in April of 2018. This aspirator can be used to move mosquitoes and sandflies between cages, etc., in the laboratory; it can be used to conduct human landing rate counts in the field. Suction is provided by an electronics cooling fan that operates at 5-6 VDC.  This aspirator has a two-speed fan giving intake air flows of 4.8 and 6.2 m/sec.  The fan is quiet (<15 dB) and has sophisticated locked-rotator burnout protection. Three 7-dram vials fitted with fine mesh stainless steel cloth for air flow and snap-on lids are included with the aspirator. The polycarbonate intake tube is 8 inches (20.3 cm) long with an ID of 0.375 inches (1.0 cm). The aspirator comes with a waterproof battery case and is supplied with four alkaline AA batteries. The aspirator (PN: 419) also includes a set of alligator leads so the unit can be powered using any size or type of 6-volt battery, e.g., our 6 VDC 12 Amp Hr gel cell (PN: 2.30) or our Waterproof 4-D cell Battery Holder (PN: 1.50). Also included is an extension cord 6 feet (or 1.8 meters) in length and a universal power supply that can operate on 100-240 VAC and 50/60 Hz mains. All connections use 5.5/2.1 mm barrel fittings.


Improved Prokopack Aspirator In UseImproved Prokopack Aspirator

The Improved Prokopack Aspirator Model 1419 was developed for indoor sampling of resting mosquitoes such as Aedes aegyptianophelines, and Culex . It is light weight and highly maneuverable and with the extension pole it can sample from ground level up to 13 feet (4 m). This enables collections to be made on upper walls, ceilings, and under furniture. Our Prokopack aspirator incorporates several significant improvements to the original design.


Modified CDC Backpack AspiratorModified CDC Backpack Aspirator

The battery powered Modified CDC Backpack Aspirator Model 1412 is a lightweight, durable, and comfortable aspirator for the collection of resting adult mosquitoes and other resting species. It has been very well received by agriculture as well as medical entomology researchers and surveyors.


Mouth Aspirator with HEPA FilterMouth Aspirators

The Mouth Aspirators (Models 412, 612, and 613) are used for aspirating mosquitoes and sandflies in the lab and field. The Model 612 includes a 0.3-micron HEPA filter with screen to stop insect particles from entering the mouth.  The Model 613 allows you to move insects from A to B without the possibility of escape.