
UVA-LED Light Trap

The UVA-LED Light Trap (Model 1612) is based on two years of research into the use of near ultra-violet radiation (UVA, peak wavelength of ca. 361 nm) for the attraction of hematophagous insects using light emitting diodes (LEDs). This research led to the development of the Stealth Trap (Model 2014) for our US Department of Defense and now a civilian version, the model 1612. The 1612 uses 6.3 VDC and consumes only 300 mAmps.

Miniature UVA-LED Model 1612

Full view of the Model 1612


    • The 1612 trap has eight ultra-violet (UVA) LEDs. The emitted wavelength is ca. 361 nm.
    • The trap uses 6.0-6.3 VDC from either sealed-gel lead-acid batteries (or from four alkaline D cell batteries in series).
    • Power consumption is about half that of a CDC light trap.
    • Can be operated with collection cup or killing jar.
    • Can be operated with our automatic DC-DC Buck/Boost Power Supply (PN: 8.EXT). We recently developed a power supply for our battery-operated traps that permits use any voltage supply, e.g., alkaline D-cells, sealed lead acid batteries of 6 or 12 volts, or Li-ion batteries. This converter can use any battery source from 5 to 30 VDC.
    • Manual for UVA-LED Light Trap Model 1612

Attractive Radiation

The UVA LEDs emit ultra-violet which is attractive to females of all genera and species of mosquitoes and sand flies without using carbon dioxide (CO2).

Power Consumption and Runtimes Compared to CDC and UV-CDC Traps

Power consumption of the 1612 is 1.7 watts, about one-half that of our New Standard Miniature Incandescent Light Trap Model 1012 using 3.0 watts; this translates into almost twice the runtime. The Blacklight (UV) Model 1212, requires 5.2 watts to operate the F4T5 BLB (blue-blacklight) florescent tube and fan; the UVA-LED trap runs a little more than three-times longer on the same battery. Run time on four alkaline D-cell batteries is 24 hours or two trap nights. On a 6 V 12 AmpHr sealed lead acid battery, the run time is 36 hours or 4 trap nights.

Included Items

Close-up of UVA-LED Trap Model 1612

Close-up of UVA-LED Trap Model 1612

The UVA-LED Trap Model 1612 includes:

  • Trap Assembly with 8 UVA-LEDs, motor and fan.
  • Lid
  • Collection cup 
  • Power cable


Power supply, battery types for use with the Stealth Trap:

  • A Sealed, Gelled-Electrolyte Battery, 6 volt, 12 Amp Hours (PN: 2.30),
  • Or a Sealed, Gelled-Electrolyte Battery, 6 volt, 20 Amp Hours (PN: 2.32),
  • Or a Four D-cell External Battery Holder (PN: 1.50) with alkaline D-cells,
  • Or an Automatic DC-DC Buck/Boost Power Supply (PN: 8.INT) that will allow the trap to operate on any voltage between 4 and 24 VDC.  

See the options below or the batteries and chargers product page for more information.


P/N Description
1.50 4 D-cell External Battery Holder
Sealed, Gelled-Electrolyte Battery, 6 V, 12 Amp Hrs
Sealed, Gelled-Electrolyte Battery, 6 V, 20 Amp Hrs
4.10 Motor and Fan for Miniature Traps (6-volt)
1.30 Air-Actuated Gate System
1.49 New Collection Cup, Fine Mesh
1.44 New Collection Cup, Standard Mesh
1.45 Collection Bag, Double Ring, Fine Mesh only
1.42 Collection Bag, Single-ring, fine mesh
8.INT Automatic DC-DC Buck/Boost Power Supply