

Where can I order John W. Hock traps & products?

You can order directly from the John W. Hock Company by email, telephone, or mail. Click here for complete ordering instructions.

Why doesn’t my battery seem to last very long?

There are several factors that can effect battery performance.

      1. Charge Cycle: Make sure the battery goes through a complete charge cycle before you use it.
      2. Correct Voltage: We make both 6 volt and 12 volt traps. Make sure you use the right battery with the right trap.

For more information on batteries, click here for our battery tutorial.

Why does the fan seem to run slow?

We make both 6 volt and 12 volt traps. Make sure you use the right battery with the right trap. If you use a 6 volt battery on a 12 volt trap, the fan will run very slow.